Jun 6, 2012

Cafe review: Cafe Lotti

If you love pink and flowers and good food, you would love this place :) The small pink cafe is own by a young girl in her 20s -basically she made her pink dreams come true by opening this cute cafe :D

Food:Again I only went for breakfast but she also does snacks and lunch. Apparently they are a bit cheaper on a week day. Everything she serves in the cafe is from her village Amberg (something like cheese from her family friend, ham from her great cousin or something like that) and they taste nice too. I dont know where she gets her bread but the Croissant was divine (difficult to find good ones in Munich)! YUM!

Drinks:Coffee was good (also roasted in her village). They also have other hip mixed drinks.

Location:Not really too central but also not a busy street. The interior is ueber girly :D and has good light. The toilet was almost too overwhelming with goodies you can use (to relax, to make up, to fix ur hair etc) and you can see she makes a lot of effort. We made reservations for breakfast and got the last table. I dont know if it is always crowded but if you want to be sure to get a seat make a reservation for breakfast on the weekends!

Cafe Lotti
Schleissheimerstr. 13
Open MO-SUN 10.00-18.00

Jun 3, 2012

White asparagus and environmental issues

After living in Germany for sometime, I've gotten used to seeing white asparagus (we don't have them in Japan) and I've been enjoying them again this year!

White asparagus with a bit of olive oil and serrano ham (oh and yes, you spy Miso soup --I had a multi-culti evening...)

Germans say that the German white asparagus are the best and don't buy stuff from elsewhere. It's not a nationalist statement and I am sure we all agree that usually local products are just better for many reasons. In Germany, you also see Peruvian ones quite often, in fact, all year round. My environmental conscious  hurts and I want as many people to avoid the Peruvian white asparagus sold in supermarkets. In short, it's not only bad for climate change via its high carbon footprint, but also because they are apparently causing serious water problems in Peru... and only the owners of those mega export farms see money while the poor and vulnerable suffer without say of their "water rights"

Want to read more see for e.g. Barbara Deutsch Lynch, Vulnerabilities, competition and rights in a context of climate change toward equitable water governance in Peru's Rio Santa Valley, Global Environmental Change, Volume 22, Issue 2, May 2012, Pages 364-373,

Cafe' review: Cafe' Vorhoelzer Forum

When I used to live in Utrecht, the Netherlands I loved going to Cafe's and I pretty much tried out all the good ones and had a "fav" list. I haven't really been trying out new places in Munich until now, but decided to start adventure a bit and enjoy what this city has to offer (even with a limited Ph.D. budget)

The first of the Cafe' series of Munich shall be dedicated to "Cafe' Vorhoelzer Forum." It's one of my favorite and I'd like to say it is kind of like a hidden gem with a marvelous roof top view of the cityscape. Run by two young guys, it's a chic, trendy, but not too posh cafe'.

 I've only tried lunch during weekdays and Bavarian breakfast on a Saturday morning. Limited selection and nothing fancy but good cafe' food (panini, salad, soup etc) and they had some effort in making the white sausages taste nice, I think.
 Coffee (espresso) is good. They will do coffee art too if you order a capuccino (see below: it's a swan!) They also serve summery drinks.
The most attractive part of this cafe' is the location. It's on the roof top of my uni -TU Munich (5th floor) with a very nice view. On a sunny day you can sit out on the terece and look over the Pinakotheken. I also like the interior -white, simple, very fashinable. The place has good light and one can easily enjoy reading (or editting my dissertation..)

If you are a TU student you know where the cafe' is. Those of you who are not, you can still enjoy it since it is a public cafe' (unless there is some kind of university event). Just don't be afraid to enter the university building!

For more info check out: