May 13, 2012

Bread baking rye:wheat 50-50

I'm baking pretty much once a week now. This bread is rye * wheat 50-50. This time I accidentally "over baked," which ended up making the best crust. Having a shitty oven helps to never burn the bread but actually bake properly... haha.

This time I used liquid Sauerteig (Aurora brand) instead of the dry Sauerteig. Sauerteig is sold in (big) supermarkets in the baking section :) This particular one (see below) is with Dinkel (Spelt in English) but works fine with Rye bread :)

I used a spoon of honey in the background "waldhonig" (forest honey) as opposed to sugar for the bread. When you bake it you don't really taste the honey flavor... Waldhonig on its own has a strong aroma so either people love it or hate it... but totally worth trying ;)I like it.

I also saved a spoon of this Sauerteig and going culture it for the next batch of bread :) (Keep it in a jar, add some water and rye flour) Shall see if it goes well...!

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