Apr 21, 2012

Spaghetti al pesto con Mango

My quasi Mother-in-law introduced me to use Mango in pasta --so the fruit is not a desert but part of the main dish... I altered her recipe a bit since I couldn't get a hold of some of the ingredients in the local supermarket.

Mango pasta with Pesto and shrimps.

- (Whole wheat) pasta cooked al dente
- Ripe mango, diced
- Pesto (original recipe calls for Coriander pesto, but I just made normal ones with Basil)
- Shrimps -> fried with olive oil and some spring onions, diced

The original recipe uses raw spring onions but I don't like raw spring onions (or onions) so I fried them together with the shrimps.

Very summery dish and a nice twist to the usual "Spaghetti al pesto"

Apr 17, 2012

Bread experiment No.1

I haven't baked bread with my own mixed for some time, but I got inspired by a friend's boyfriend who now does not buy bread from the bakery any more but bakes once a week by himself. He also gave me a tip to make a bread notebook so I can keep track of what would be the best combo of ingredients! I decided Sundays are perfect days to do this bread experiment.

Bread experiment no.1

Rye : Wheat = 2 : 1
Flour mixture : water = 3 : 2
Temp: 220 degrees
Sauerteig extract and yeast
Left it sitting for about 10 hours (not intentionally...) before baking

Other notes:
Weather was rainy and cold
Added 30g of seeds but would add more next time.

Apr 16, 2012

Teriyaki Okara Pate

Okara is residue of soy beans after making tofu. It's been one of my new challenges to make tofu from scratch and thus every now and then i have okara at hand. This is one of my favorite dishes --Teriyaki Okara Pate. I mixed the okara with eggs and some flour and fry it. It's a quick and easy and nutritious dish :) (It's quick but getting Okara is a bit of a pain)

For this evening, I treated myself with some nice wholesome Japanese food... good sticky rice and miso soup!
The orange dish in the top corner is "Kinpira" The typical dish of Kinpira is using carrots and gobo (Burdock or Schwarzwurzel) but this time I substitute it with the root of celery. It went quite well and I think I would use this recipe to eat up the "giant" root :)

Apr 3, 2012

Gourmet salad

My bf usually doesn't enjoy eating salad, but he enjoyed this one... maybe because of the shrimps... I name the salad "Gourmet salad" :) it includes more ingredients than my usual simple ones ;)

- Apples (diced)
- Walnuts (roasted with a pan)
- Parmesan cheese (just a sprinkle, optional)
- Shrimps (fried with olive oil)
- Feldsalat (corn salad in English)
+ Lemon dressing (lemon juice and olive oil + S&P)